Announcing the Seated Half Society

Seated Half Society -- Welcome!
The dream of a club for half dollar enthusiasts becomes a reality

Welcome to the webpage of the Seated Half Society, a new club for and about Liberty Seated half dollars, and those who collect them. The SHS is an association of dedicated Liberty Seated half dollar devotees and specialists.

The SHS newsletter, Half Crazy, will be published once every quarter in February, May, August, and November, in the LSCC's E-Gobrecht.

The SHS is built a bit differently than traditional clubs. Thanks to the LSCC leadership, the need for the infrastructure associated with most clubs is not required here. The LSCC has generously loaned space on their website and in the E-Gobrecht publication for the needs of the SHS. The SHS newsletter, Half Crazy, will be published once every quarter in February, May, August, and November in the LSCC's E-Gobrecht.

Because of the LSCC's kindness, no dues will be required, and volunteer leadership will be at a minimum. Dr. Verne Pitman has volunteered to serve as our first Vice-President, and LSCC Vice-president Dennis Fortier will serve as SHS President.

In addition to membership in the LSCC, a significant collection of Liberty Seated half dollars is required for membership in the SHS. To be a bit more clear; high grade collections are not a narrow requirement for membership. What is required is a demonstrated passion for the series at whatever level your pocket book allows. A 100-point system has been established to hopefully support many of the ways Liberty Seated half dollars are collected. Please see the audit excel spreadsheet here on the webpage for more details on the point system for membership.

Unlike the LSCC, which is open to everyone, membership in the SHS must be earned through building a significant collection of Liberty Seated half dollars. In years to come, it is hoped membership in the SHS will be looked upon as a numismatic accomplishment in the career of a Liberty Seated half dollar collector. The qualificaations are listed in the SHS Constitution and By Laws.

If you believe you qualify for membership please fill out the online Membership Application, or contact Dr. Verne Pitman or Dennis Fortier to schedule an audit of your collection. All who qualify are welcome. We hope you will join our association and become a founding member of the Seated Half Society.

Dennis Fortier
Seated Half Society President

SHS President Dennis Fortier
SHS Vice-President Dr. Verne Pitman

Important documents of interest


The Wiley-Bugert Research Award

The Seated Half Society is proud to announce its new club award, the Wiley-Bugert Research Award. This award is for the best Liberty Seated half dollar research article of the year, as voted by the members of the SHS. All qualified articles from the Gobrecht JournalE-Gobrecht, and our own newsletter, Half Crazy, will be considered.

Articles published beginning in 2022 will be considered for The Wiley-Bugert Research Award. Articles published in each year that meet this criteria will be listed in the February issue (beginning in 2023) of Half Crazy. Voting will be conducted by email in February and March of the following year, and the winner will be announced at the ANA Convention in August.

Founding Member/ Membership count

Anyone joining the SHS prior to the end of 2022 will be considered a Founding Member of the club. Certain numismatists that have, or have had, significant Liberty Seated half dollar collections have been granted automatic membership in the SHS. Currently our membership count is 13.

SHS Membership Counter-stamped Half Dollars

We want membership in the SHS to be not only a source of pride, but fun too. In that spirit we are instituting a membership counter-stamp. Any SHS member that brings a low grade (common date) Seated half dollar to club President Dennis Fortier can have it counter-stamped with "SHS" along with their member number. Additionally, if you have joined before the end of 2022 you can be a Founding member and have an "F" stamped in as well. Finally, if you own an 1878-S half dollar, a star will also be stamped into the counter-stamp piece.

Be sure and bring your counter-stamp piece with you to shows and other gatherings, you might be asked to produce it. Sort of a military challenge coin.

Half Dollar Surveys

In 2021 SHS President Dennis Fortier began a series of half dollar surveys to be published in the Gobrecht Journal. Following Bill Bugert's Register series in order, he began with the San Francisco Branch mint. One Register per year will hopefully be worked on. Please take the time to participate in this exciting and informative exercise. SHS membership is not required to participate in this survey

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